I'm with you on this Disney thing. My name for the "happiest place on earth" is The Evil Empire... which is a term I coined when I was optioning film rights for Harcourt and Disney would come calling. Their contract basically had the writer paying THEM for the privilege of providing their content for mass distortion, and the small print included leveraging their first born on the back end. Disney also had the right of first refusal on any property the writer produced after that had any affiliation to the first property or simply contained words.

As an aside -- why do small children have to endure a cartoon wherein the the parent (usually the mother -- and I'm not implying the implied misognyny here) is killed in a horrific way... asking for a friend.

As for your question: I've said 1000 things that should not have been said in the time, place or context that I said it... however, I've become so good at shoving that stuff down so deep, I can no longer recall, but will be sure to update you when I do it again-- see you very soon.

Necksticles in a conversation with one of my girlfriends: "Why the hell do I have to deal with crepey necksticles AND a fupa?! Life isn't fair!" [stamps foot, takes another swig of beer. Light beer, less fupa.]

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Ha! That must be Disney's SOP. I was writing for a production company a while back that produced content for Disney. They gouged us every possible way and incessantly presented their mouse-shaped ring for our kissing pleasure.

A transcript from when we watched Bambi with our daughter for the first time:

Daughter: Why did that man kill Bambi's momma?

Wife: *sniffling* Because he's a rotten bastard.

Daughter: I don't like rotten bastards.

Wife: Me neither.

I think they kill the mothers because they're easier to care about, so their loss is a higher-stakes proposition. If they killed the fathers, the kids would just shrug and say, "He was probably a rotten bastard."

Looking forward to your next faux pas. ;)

Tastes great, less FUPA... Miller Lite should bring that back as a campaign.

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Sounds about right. Disney... Hey look over there! It's Dumbo! (Dumps more toxic waste into the ocean).

Glad you like FUPA-light. My next life will be on Madison Avenue as an Ad Man.Hey, I have an idea for a show....

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"Discerning between feed pellets and rabbit turds requires a PhD in zoology, and keeping your toddler from eating either the pellets or the turds requires a third and fourth hand and a second pair of eyes that most parents don’t have.' Exceptionally funny.

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I'm wondering if a well-coordinated sky hook would be a boon when it comes to wrangling toddlers... probably couldn't hurt...

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#2. I thought I had made it up, because I used this term 40 years ago. But I read or heard it somewhere being used. Not being politically correct! Another word for Lesbian: Vagitarian…..

Please forgive me.

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I read this to my daughter. She laughed and said, "Rosi is our people."

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Big Thunder Ranch?? Q’est que C’est!? I’m a “native” SOCAL. WE didn’t get to pet goat waddles. Disneyland in the 60’s. One of our friends dropped LSD . We lost him in The Small Small World.

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I'm not sure how long they had, and I'm pretty sure it was seasonal. But my kids definitely spent hours upon hours fondling goat necksticles.

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This is where you need to visit if you visit Texas.

And don't forget to listen to the song by Mr. Hubbard :D



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Capybaras?! I'm in!

🎵"Snake farm, it just sounds nasty..." Those are some great lyrics!

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