🥰 loved it. I definitely can relate, but I’m almost 70. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to finally start all the advice you’ve always given me on my health, body and soul. I have no doubt at all that you will build and create wonderfully for your grand kids. If I want to see it, I really better start laying off those cheese crackers! lol 😂
You got me with walking. I decided to start walking again....first somewhere away from my lounge chair to may be down the steps to the lower level where I should start a new canvas in my art studio. No, that's out. There is nothing I want to paint. I'm afraid it would scare me if I even tried....like mixing greens and browns and getting that sickly manure color, just out of spite. Then I'd toss the canvas and feel guilty about the money I just threw in the trash. This is no time to be creative. It would only depress me more. I used to walk up and down our street each and every morning early to put everyone's paper from their driveway up to their door so they didn't have to come out in their PJ's to pick them up in public. People appreciate that when I did it for over a couple of years. But, that no longer interests me. I've lost interest in walking....even in helping people. Charity starts at home, my mother always told me. Not any more. Charity ends right here. Where did I go???? Who am I? What have I become?. Anger is not in my vocabulary. Or wasn't. I do take the dog out to walk. She has no fenced yard, so I have to. I try to get her to take me on a walk, but she just looks as me sadly and says, I'm finished and it's getting cold out...take me in. She's 8 and really cute, so she rules. I try to go out without her and walk....but I hate cold, so I find it depresses me....what there is left, that is. I can't watch the news. I find myself wanting to hide under the covers so I can wake up to my other world...the one grew up in. I need the ocean, a boat, somewhere someplace.....Ice cream helps, but then I think about how fat I'm going to get.
Reply to self: Watched DT and Biden shake hands by the fireside at the White House and they were both Gentlemen. I was impressed and it was good to know there is a side of DT I never saw before. It calmed me. So don't worry...I'll just add, Cherry Cordial Ice Cream really helped and two Tylenol. Keep up the great stuff, Norm. Nice place to vent....Hope you're okay....
oops, awoke this morning with MSN and back in the dark hole. Going down to studio to listen to good music and try to paint something that will make me happy.
More like "different". You don't have to work so hard outside or on projects, because you will get worn out a lot faster, and then have an excuse to sit in your lounge chair or a hot bath.
Perfect timing. Just had a very similar tripartite debate (in bed) this morning. Body resenting Mind’s stupidity in booking 3 rounds of golf this coming week and wants to pull out. Soul just wants to battle through the pain. Same skirmish every week!
Considering I am so stressed that I voluntarily woke up at 6 Am on Wednesday, so I could catch the 6:44 into NYC and hopefully get rush tickets to see 'Death Becomes Her', I thank you for this laugh.
Even better than the movie! All the leads are just fantastic, the book is a hoot (and makes it more about the fight to stay young and beautiful rather than about a man) and they manage to do a lot of the movie special effects in an incredibly entertaining way. Here's a small clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90P8SvHCZxY. I have the advantage of living in NJ so I could get rush tickets (I paid $35 for $185 seats!), but well worth paying for. I see a lot of shows, so I am happy to give advice.
Triggered... "What if we just got some readers? Maybe a pair of glasses for the office, the car, every room in the house…?" You've met my husband then... I woke up one day and realized I was married to Mr. Wipple - his readers always on his head or his face. He actually does have a pair for ALL the places.
You did get me a few times, starting with making waffles for the cat all night. Enjoyed this. Thanks as always for the laugh.
Body and Mind are totally into Cheez-Its. Portion control is key. My dad was a Cheez-It man. Hot & Spicy. Eat 'em up yum. But slowly :D
Watching war movies--but I thoroughly enjoyed your civil war. Started today with a visit to the doctor. We played 'find the vein.' Getting old is not for the faint of heart (dad was right) and I'm glad I'm not retired because helping others is a welcome distraction.
Soul is better, body still limping but better, and mind is definitely better after reading your writing. 💝
If the nurse can't find your vein, ask for her supervisor to give you the shot. I knew a hospital where all t he nurses had to ask their Supervisor to find the vein for their IV's. Everyone hated that task.
🥰 loved it. I definitely can relate, but I’m almost 70. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to finally start all the advice you’ve always given me on my health, body and soul. I have no doubt at all that you will build and create wonderfully for your grand kids. If I want to see it, I really better start laying off those cheese crackers! lol 😂
Love you, mom!
You got me with walking. I decided to start walking again....first somewhere away from my lounge chair to may be down the steps to the lower level where I should start a new canvas in my art studio. No, that's out. There is nothing I want to paint. I'm afraid it would scare me if I even tried....like mixing greens and browns and getting that sickly manure color, just out of spite. Then I'd toss the canvas and feel guilty about the money I just threw in the trash. This is no time to be creative. It would only depress me more. I used to walk up and down our street each and every morning early to put everyone's paper from their driveway up to their door so they didn't have to come out in their PJ's to pick them up in public. People appreciate that when I did it for over a couple of years. But, that no longer interests me. I've lost interest in walking....even in helping people. Charity starts at home, my mother always told me. Not any more. Charity ends right here. Where did I go???? Who am I? What have I become?. Anger is not in my vocabulary. Or wasn't. I do take the dog out to walk. She has no fenced yard, so I have to. I try to get her to take me on a walk, but she just looks as me sadly and says, I'm finished and it's getting cold out...take me in. She's 8 and really cute, so she rules. I try to go out without her and walk....but I hate cold, so I find it depresses me....what there is left, that is. I can't watch the news. I find myself wanting to hide under the covers so I can wake up to my other world...the one grew up in. I need the ocean, a boat, somewhere someplace.....Ice cream helps, but then I think about how fat I'm going to get.
Reply to self: Watched DT and Biden shake hands by the fireside at the White House and they were both Gentlemen. I was impressed and it was good to know there is a side of DT I never saw before. It calmed me. So don't worry...I'll just add, Cherry Cordial Ice Cream really helped and two Tylenol. Keep up the great stuff, Norm. Nice place to vent....Hope you're okay....
Cherry Cordial Ice Cream?! That has to be the fountain of youth.
I can only hope....
Anger is good after it settles, assuming nobody gets hurt (unless it’s my ego—it’s always good when that guy takes an ass whoopin”.
oops, awoke this morning with MSN and back in the dark hole. Going down to studio to listen to good music and try to paint something that will make me happy.
I feel your pain!! The struggle is real!! Wait til you’re in your 70s?!😳😜
70's can be fun...it's the 80 that got me...you just can't be controlled by numbers.
It gets worse?!
More like "different". You don't have to work so hard outside or on projects, because you will get worn out a lot faster, and then have an excuse to sit in your lounge chair or a hot bath.
I give the same feedback to new parents. “Gird your loins, kids. It never gets easier, just different.” ;)
Perfect timing. Just had a very similar tripartite debate (in bed) this morning. Body resenting Mind’s stupidity in booking 3 rounds of golf this coming week and wants to pull out. Soul just wants to battle through the pain. Same skirmish every week!
Yeah, my mind's always more physically ambitious than my body. It never learns.
Wow, if you have the weather, chase that darn little ball around. You'll feel better afterwards when you get to the 19th hole.
Considering I am so stressed that I voluntarily woke up at 6 Am on Wednesday, so I could catch the 6:44 into NYC and hopefully get rush tickets to see 'Death Becomes Her', I thank you for this laugh.
Ooh, let me know how this show is! My wife loves the movie, and I'd love a reason to whisk her away to the city...
Even better than the movie! All the leads are just fantastic, the book is a hoot (and makes it more about the fight to stay young and beautiful rather than about a man) and they manage to do a lot of the movie special effects in an incredibly entertaining way. Here's a small clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90P8SvHCZxY. I have the advantage of living in NJ so I could get rush tickets (I paid $35 for $185 seats!), but well worth paying for. I see a lot of shows, so I am happy to give advice.
Triggered... "What if we just got some readers? Maybe a pair of glasses for the office, the car, every room in the house…?" You've met my husband then... I woke up one day and realized I was married to Mr. Wipple - his readers always on his head or his face. He actually does have a pair for ALL the places.
You did get me a few times, starting with making waffles for the cat all night. Enjoyed this. Thanks as always for the laugh.
Yeah, readers are more problematic than socks. They're constantly slipping away from me.
My cats are the only ones who seem to take pleasure in my ongoing degradation.
I have at least 5 pairs of glasses in the house, but never a pair where I am needing them. They magically disappear as you age, I guess.
Maybe the glasses are there and you just can’t see them? Ya know, because you need glasses.
This is the kind of joke I used to make at my wife’s expense. But then she got LASIK, and I turned 45, so the tables turned.
Common ground found!
(May our country follow suit.)
Body and Mind are totally into Cheez-Its. Portion control is key. My dad was a Cheez-It man. Hot & Spicy. Eat 'em up yum. But slowly :D
Watching war movies--but I thoroughly enjoyed your civil war. Started today with a visit to the doctor. We played 'find the vein.' Getting old is not for the faint of heart (dad was right) and I'm glad I'm not retired because helping others is a welcome distraction.
Soul is better, body still limping but better, and mind is definitely better after reading your writing. 💝
If the nurse can't find your vein, ask for her supervisor to give you the shot. I knew a hospital where all t he nurses had to ask their Supervisor to find the vein for their IV's. Everyone hated that task.
Re: the exchange above—maybe these nurses can’t find their glasses…?
Slowly?! You're clearly more evolved and mature than I'll ever be. I admire your restraint.
"Find the Vein" sounds less like a game and more like a horror movie. You should have been watching a Cronenberg film!
And my soul is better after your kind words. :)