Welcome to…
But first, we laugh.
When I was in the fifth grade, I saw a grandmother at a park scolding her grandson. She had about a half dozen coarse chin whiskers and a wooden leg. The little boy was crying so hard he could barely breathe after having dropped his Sidewalk Sundae onto the sidewalk (returning from whence it came, I suppose).
“I have diabetes,” the grandmother growled. “That’s something to cry about!”
Just then, a man overthrew a rawhide bone intended for his puppy, a goofy golden retriever whose name I remember because it was Robert Redford. In pursuit of the rawhide bone, Robert Redford bumped the grandma who lunged forward and slipped on the Sidewalk Sundae. When she wobbled, her wooden leg detached and flung onto the grass like the weirdest game of lawn darts ever played.
To Robert Redford, a wooden leg was as good as a rawhide bone, and off he went with the aftermath of grandma’s diabetes.
After a few minutes of keep away, Robert Redford dropped the wooden leg to smell the backside of a bulldog. His owner returned the leg to grandma, treated the grandson to a fresh Sidewalk Sundae, and offered up the puppy drool hand towel he kept tucked into his waist, which grandma used to knock the dirt and dried grass from her chin whiskers.
I was just ten, but I knew this was funny, even if I didn’t know why. Looking back, I see all the textures—the slapstick and the darkness, the irony and the oddity, the sweetness and the silliness.
From the right angle, everything is All Kinds of Funny.
Why subscribe?
Because you take your laughs the same way I do—anyway you can get ‘em.
Who am I?
I’m Norm—doting husband, proud father, amateur zookeeper, wayward woodworker with a few too many scars, guitarist and songwriter for The Moon Wobbles (currently accepting applications for all other members of The Moon Wobbles), oddities enthusiast, passionate hater of small talk, and I moonlight as a storyteller.
What is All Kinds of Funny?
This is where I share funny stories—some true, some mostly true, others patently false. I also share funny observations, reflections, lists, rants, stories for your children, stories for your sewing circles and drinking buddies (or your sewing buddies and drinking circles,I don’t judge) and really anything I can create with hopes of filling your day with laughs and cackles, titters and snickers, chortles and snorts, wonder and glow, suspense and whoa—and every so often, a whisper of good ol’ fashioned existential dread and darkness. You know, All Kinds of Funny.